Health and social facilities

Hospitals and Clinics

Hospitals and Clinics

The mission of the Adventist hospitals is to continue the teaching and healing ministry of Jesus Christ. By its innovating excellence in Christ-centered health care, this ministry is intended to offer compassion, integrity and excellence.

Retirement homes

Retirement homes

Assisting and caring for elderly people, accompanying them during the most sensitive period of their existence, is part of the moral and spiritual duty of a church. The goal is to improve the quality of life, while respecting their autonomy, in a family environment where everyone can feel at home.

Homes for the disabled

Homes for the disabled

Assisting and caring for disabled people, and accompanying them during their existence, is part of the moral and spiritual duty of a church. The goal is to improve the quality of life, while respecting their autonomy, in a family environment where everyone can feel at home.