The iCOR-Initiative is an instrument of the Seventh-day Adventist Church for a value-oriented church development. It is designed to help congregations recognize biblical values in daily church life and build intergenerational spiritual homes.
iCOR was originally conceived by the Youth Ministry Department as a response to the realization that many of our youth leave the church. It is also based on the fact that dynamic churches modeled after the New Testament churches are not only important for youth. iCOR provides a good basis for helping people find a spiritual home in our churches and for sustainably promoting faith, mission and fellowship among the various generations and diverse cultures represented in our churches. In this sense, iCOR is a guide designed to aid churches in their efforts to be an extended family after the biblical model and make the love of God and the Gospel of Jesus concrete, living reality—relational, participatory, socially relevant.
iCOR is committed to the mission of Jesus to support people in holistic discipleship. iCOR therefore places value on practical and relevant communication of biblical teachings and Christian values, and at the same time is aware that the messenger is just as impor-tant as the message. For this reason, iCOR emphasizes service and reconciliation. Ultimately, the best mission work according to the biblical example is to be a church of the relational, redeeming and living God. One fundamental premise behind the iCOR values is the conviction that God has placed great potential in each human being—independent of age, culture, gender or church membership. Therefore, the iCOR-Initiative would like to encourage churches to actively seek ways and possibilities for recognizing, stimulating and promoting this potential more fully, in order to learn from each other and grow together.
The iCOR values, ideas and resources are intended to help churches engage in dialog about these values, so that with God’s help, they may become more and more the spiritual home that God would like us to be for his children and the community in which we live. The research shows that above all the younger generation will be very thankful for that.
For more information visit us here.